The ‚Puddle Archive‘ is an archive that exists in different forms. It is a) a photographic archive and
b) an object installation.
The constantly growing photographic archive has currently about 2.586 photos. Each photo documents a puddle from more than 35 cities worldwide (e.g. Paris, Barcelona, Copenhagen, London, New York, Los Angeles, Buenos Aires). Presentation in city cluster installation, accompanied by pieces of asphalt on the floor.
PFÜTZENARCHIV (photografic archive), (2010 – ongoing)
Photo series. C-prints, each 15 x 20 cm. Asphalt, variable dimensions.

Installation view cubus-m, Berlin, 2014.

Installation view cubus-m, Berlin, 2014.

Installation view cubus-m, Berlin, 2014.

Installation view cubus-m, Berlin, 2014.